Essential 40 Journal
Larry Cory
Larry Cory
Contact Info
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Larry Cory
Ellensburg, WA 98926

Welcome to Essential 40!

Newly Added: My new book: The Silent War In The Church

This Week's Addition: Addendum: John Wesley's sermon at George
                                    Whitefield's funeral

Also Newly Added: The Essential 40 Journal where you can join the
                                conversation regarding God's Word!

What you see on this website is the result of 40+ years of prospecting for God's spiritual Gold. It started right after I became a Christian and attended the church where Ray Stedman pastored and my prospecting continues today. Now, I offer you that gold. It fills this website! You will find it in the "Essential 40" materials, the "Digging for Gold commentaries in the books of the Bible, and "The Way of the Cross" discipleship studies.

"Essential 40" takes you through the theological doctrine and practical subjects that are taught in a seminary or a Bible college. The material is thorough, yet is also presented in a concise way. The "Digging for Gold" Bible studies are thorough commentaries given in outline form which include "Thought Questions." The "Way of the Cross" is a discipleship course in an acrostic form that summarizes what discipleship involves.

The studies will be helpful to many. The pastor and Bible teacher will find them helpful as a rich resource. The Christian who desires to delve deeply into subjects of the Bible will find that for 40 years that is what I have done and that I have made the riches that I found there available to you. May these riches in God's truth gained through years of enjoyable and tireless digging be as rich to you as they were to me.

I hope this is helpful to you. Larry.